Monday, February 6, 2017

Swaziland Religion

Swaziland is predominately a Christian nation with about 40% of its population as Zionist. Zionist are a mix of Christian and indigenous ancestral worship. Roman Catholicism makes up 20% of the nation and 10% Muslim. There are many other Christian religions practiced in Swaziland, but the few I named are the main ones.

In going back to religion and some of their practices many in Zwaziland go to the tinyanga pictured above which are traditional healers those who use natural medicines and rituals for their cures. The Diviners known as tangoma are said to be more powerful than healers and are possessed.

Also witchcraft and sorcery are big in Swaziland pictured above is a witchdoctor and a snake for a ritual.
Finally a strange ritual that goes along with the witchcraft and sorcery they have in Swaziland is the practice of Muti murders. This is where animals or people are killed for their body parts for spells and medicines.

One of the most important traditions to them though is the practice in staying in touch with their ancestors dealing with the supernatural. The head male of the home is the one who stays in contact with their ancestors.


"Swaziland." Countries and their Cultures. n.d. (accessed February 6, 2017).

"Swaziland-Religions." Nations Encyclopedia. n.d. (accessed February 6, 2017).

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