Monday, February 20, 2017

First Contacts

So Swaziland had initial contact with the Europeans in the 1830's specifically the British as the Boers who were Dutch from northern Africa. I could not find the main reasons for the British in coming but they were already in South Africa at this point and were taking up land in Swaziland. One of Swaziland's main natural resource is their forest so this  and territorial expansion could have been the reason for them coming to Swaziland. Relations between Swaziland and the British had been strained because of this land succession and the administration from Britain.

The British appeared under Mswati's reign after his death the Swazis, British, and South Africans reached agreements on independence, resources, authority, and security. The end result was South Africa had control from 1894-1902 when the British took over. The British remained in control for over 20 years under Queen Regent Lobatsibeni, Sobhuza II  Swaziland established its first legislative body where in 1944 it was said only the King or chief had the authority over Swaziland.

So in the 1960's during the apartheid Britain expected Swaziland to become apart of South Africa and worried the increase in racial discrimination would cause problems for them so they began preparing Swaziland for Independence. So on September 6, 1968 Swaziland declared their independence from Britain.

"A Brief History of Swaziland." about education. n.d. (accessed February 20, 2017).

"Swaziland." Countries and their Cultures. n.d. (accessed February 20, 2017 ).

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