Monday, March 6, 2017

British succession

Swaziland is a small nation on the borders of Mozambique and South Africa. Swaziland was first discovered by the Nguni clans who were originally from Eastern Africa and moved to southern Mozambique and eventually into modern day Swaziland in the 15th century. Then in the 1830's the Swazi's had their first contact with the Boers and the British where most of the land was given to the Transvaal Boers and later in 1881 the Pretoria Convention for the settlement of Transvaal defined Swaziland's boundaries and independence. Then in 1903 Britain seized control of Swaziland until Swaziland gained its independence again in 1968.

They really do not have any struggles politically besides South Africa trying to gain land in Swaziland due to the forest and other resources, but the only tensions that Swaziland suffers from is with the Europeans especially the British over land successions.


"Swaziland." Countries and their Cultures. n.d. (accessed March 6, 2017).

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