Monday, January 30, 2017

Swaziland Art and Music

Swaziland being the small country it is may not have a crazy art collection or well known music, but they do have a place called the Nsangwini Rock Shelter is the biggest example of San art in the country and the most comprehensive display in Swaiziland.

It is said that 4,000 years ago the San people used the area for spiritual rituals and recording important moments of their lives here. Even the most publicized image is from the Nsangwini Rock Shelter. It a painting of two winged creatures that are part human part insect or bird. So what is interesting about this is that you have to go outside to see it and not in a museum like most art.

Nsangwini Bird Men Cave Art, Photographer: Bob Forrester

A Tradition that is known for its controversy is the annual Reed Dance. This tradition is where the virgins of Swaziland dance in front of the palace for their king basically nude with reeds. This tradition is based that no one woman will have intercourse until they are 18 and a chance for the king to choose a new wife. This dance has been under scrutiny due to the graphic nature of it and what it really stands for.
As I am learning more and more about this country is the strange traditions they have in their country that may be offensive, degrading, and controversial to them this is normal. I like being able to learn about other countries to get a different perspective on things. This traditional dance I am very thankful we do not have.


James, Jheri St. Common Ground 191- Journal Swaziland. n.d. (accessed January 30, 2017).

Swaziland National Trust Commission. n.d. (accessed January 30, 2017).

The Kingdom of Swaziland a royal experience. n.d. (accessed January 30, 2017).

Monday, January 23, 2017

The incredible little country of Swaziland

When I thought about the country I wanted to do for my project it did not take me long to decide on Swaziland. Now I have my personal reasons for choosing Swaziland and I will eventually tell you what those are, but for now let me give you some facts about the country of Swaziland. Swaziland land is a small nation right inside of South Africa and the border of Mozambique. That might seem weird but true its longitude and latitude are 26 30 S and 31 30 E, and Mbabane which is their capital is 26.3054 S and 31.1367 E. Swaziland's climate ranges in different areas the high veld areas have a humid near-temperate climate receiving about 55in of rain a year, the middle subtropical veld so a bit drier gets and annual amount of 33in of rain a year, and the low veld which is almost tropical is sub humid and gets about 24in of rain a year. The times they do get rain is during violent rain storm in the summer which is October- March for them. The coldest it will get is in the twenties and the highest in the hundreds. Now with the country being so small the geographic features are not as prevalent as other areas in Africa but they do have the Lubombo Mountains on the Eastern edge, and the Drakensberg Mountains in the western edges of Swaziland which is also the highest mountain range their. The largest river there is the Great Usutu and they also have the Mbuluzi and Ngwavuma rivers. The climate and geographic features have hindered Swaziland in the past when dealing with to much or to little rainfall which can affect their crops. Swaziland heavily relies on South Africa for imports and for employment. There is a 40% unemployment rate, the government struggles to pay the payroll, and in 2006-2007 they needed food because of a drought. Swaziland has many viruses and diseases that are food and water related, but a great number of the adult population have also been infected by disease. Swaziland is a very poor nation and because of a friend of mine who is a nurse over there for a medical missions group my interest in Swaziland has gradually increased and I look forward to learn more about the little country next to South Africa.